雀巢雀巢宣布解决童工风险的创新计划, 增加农民收入,实现可可的完全可追溯性

发表: 2022年1月27日
作者: WBCSD通信
类型: 正规博彩十大网站

Nestlé today announced a new plan to tackle child labor risks in cocoa production. 其核心是一个创新的收入加速计划, 该项目旨在改善种植可可的家庭的生计, 同时也在推进可再生农业实践和性别平等. A cash incentive will be paid directly to cocoa-farming households for certain activities such as enrollment of children in school and pruning among several others. Nestlé’s new plan also supports the company’s work to transform its global sourcing of cocoa to achieve full traceability and segregation for its cocoa products. 雀巢雀巢继续扩大其可可正规博彩十大网站排名的努力, 该公司计划投资总额为1瑞士法郎.到2030年达到30亿美元,是目前年度投资的三倍多.

的 收入加速计划 offers a novel approach to help support farmers and their families in their transition to more sustainable cocoa farming. 的 incentives will encourage behaviors and agricultural practices that are designed to steadily build social and economic resilience over time. 雀巢的新方法, cocoa-farming families will now be rewarded not only for the quantity and quality of cocoa beans they produce but also for the benefits they provide to the environment and local communities. 的se incentives are on top of the premium introduced by the governments of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana that Nestlé pays and the premiums Nestlé offers for certified cocoa. This cocoa is independently audited against the Rainforest Alliance Sustainable 农业 Standard, 促进社会, 农民和当地社区的经济和环境福祉.

可可种植社区面临着巨大的挑战, 包括广泛的农村贫困, increasing climate risks and a lack of access to financial services and basic infrastructure like water, 保健和教育. 这些复杂的因素增加了家庭农场童工的风险. 与合作伙伴一起, 包括政府, 并建立在一个有前途的试点项目上, 雀巢的新举措将重点放在童工的根本原因上.

“我们的目标是拥有额外的有形正规博彩十大网站排名, 对越来越多的可可种植家庭产生积极影响, 特别是在贫困普遍和资源匮乏的地区, 并帮助缩小他们长期面临的生活收入差距,” 雀巢CEO马克·施耐德. “在我们长期努力的基础上,可持续地采购可可, 我们将继续帮助孩子们上学, 赋予女性, 改进耕作方法,促进财政资源. 我们相信, 与政府合作, 非政府组织和可可行业的其他人, we can help improve the lives of cocoa-farming families and give children the chance to learn and grow in the safe and healthy environment they deserve."


的 program rewards practices that increase crop productivity and help secure additional sources of income, 哪些旨在缩小生活收入差距并帮助保护儿童. 通过参与这些实践, families can additionally earn up to CHF 500 annually for the first two years of the program. 的 higher incentive at the start will help accelerate the implementation of good agricultural practices to build future impact. This incentive will then be leveled at CHF  250 thereafter as the program starts delivering tangible results. It is not paid based on the volume of cocoa sold and is inclusive to provide smaller farmers meaningful support, 不让任何人掉队. 与正常做法不同, 该项目还为农民的配偶提供经济奖励, 谁通常负责家庭开支和照顾孩子. 通过在农民和配偶之间分配支付, 该项目帮助赋予妇女权力,改善性别平等. 雀巢鼓励的做法包括:

  • 家庭中6-16岁的所有儿童入学;
  • Implementing good agricultural practices, such as pruning, which increase crop productivity;
  • Performing agroforestry activities to increase climate resilience, like planting shade trees;
  • 创造多元化收入, 比如种植其他作物, 饲养家畜,如鸡, 养蜂或加工木薯等其他产品.

Payments will be delivered via a secure mobile service transfer that will ensure traceability directly from Nestlé suppliers to the intended recipient. 因为全年的现金流经常是一个挑战, 现金奖励将在最需要的时候发放. Based on feedback from farmers, this includes the back-to-school period and before the rainy season. 第三方, 包括国际可可倡议和雨林联盟, 将与雀巢雀巢合作监测参与情况.


在2020年初步试点取得积极成果的基础上,1,000名农民在Côte科特迪瓦, 2022年,雀巢雀巢将扩大这一项目,将其纳入10家,在全国有1000个家庭, 2024年将其扩展到加纳. 然后,它将评估该测试阶段的结果,并在必要时进行调整, before moving to reach all cocoa-farming families in its global cocoa supply chain by 2030.

雀巢雀巢将帮助确保农民拥有资源, 培训、社会和财政结构,通过以下方式作出持久的改变:

  • 加强现有的监察及补救制度,以协助识别, 预防和解决童工风险,提高入学率;
  • 为家庭提供培训 性别行动学习系统 家庭财务规划和创业精神;
  • Organizing and training local groups to perform pruning and other beneficial agricultural tasks within a given cooperative each year;
  • 为农民及其配偶提供收入多样化的机会;
  • 协助成立乡村储蓄贷款协会, 关注女性, 鼓励储蓄,为小企业提供贷款机会.

农民和农民合作社的反馈和投入, 以及第三方正在进行的数据收集和评估, 会被用来通知吗, 在扩展到更多社区时修改和改进该计划. 除了, independent oversight will be provided by a multistakeholder strategic advisory committee managed by 可持续贸易倡议, a leading foundation that works to improve the sustainability of international supply chains.


作为项目的一部分, Nestlé will transform the global sourcing of cocoa to achieve full traceability and segregation of its cocoa products from origin to factory. This new effort will help transform the supply chain of Nestlé and the broader industry. Nestlé will introduce a range of products with cocoa sourced from this innovative program, offering consumers the opportunity to support the improvement of the families’ livelihoods and the protection of children. 这将从一个选择开始 KitKat 2023年产品展望.

"Our actions can help catalyze change on an important topic that is so close to our hearts. 它们将推动整个行业的问责制和透明度, 当顾客, employees and communities increasingly expect companies to deliver on their shared values,” Magdi Batato,执行副总裁兼运营主管. “通过大规模增加可追溯性, we will help build consumer trust in our products and respond to the growing demand for responsibly and sustainably sourced cocoa."

Today's announcement builds on Nestle's longstanding efforts to tackle child labor risks in cocoa production. 公司在正规博彩十大网站排名方面进行了投资 雀巢巧克力计划 自2009年以来. 通过一个健壮的 监察及补救制度 instituted since 2012, 149,443 children have been assisted to protect them against the 童工风险新建或翻新了53所学校. This system is now the industry standard by which companies monitor their supply chains.

来源: http://www.nestle.com/media/pressreleases/allpressreleases/tackle-child-labor-risks-farmer-income-cocoa-traceability

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