
Energy storage is going to be a quintessential part of the new power system architecture as it not only helps to balance out the variability in generation but could also enable consumption of a higher proportion of self-generated renewable power by consumers and reduce the need to feed excess electricity back into the grid.

Published: 4 May 2022
Author: Surbhi Singhvi
Type: Insight

This article was originally published in The Economic Times.

印度正在加大对可再生能源的依赖,以支持其零净目标, 目标是到2030年通过可再生能源满足该国50%的电力需求. 由于可变和间歇性可再生能源在总电力结构中所占的份额越来越大, 印度如何确保电网的安全和可靠供电? Energy storage, 提供电网平衡和可再生能源优化服务, 为企业提供了释放印度清洁能源潜力的合适机会.

As the renewable power penetration increases, 电力系统的运行动态将发生巨大变化, 还需要对系统架构进行更改. Energy storage is going to be a quintessential part of the new power system architecture as it not only helps to balance out the variability in generation but could also enable consumption of a higher proportion of self-generated renewable power by consumers and reduce the need to feed excess electricity back into the grid.

“At the grid-scale level, 能源存储是有效管理供需动态的必要条件. This includes managing the short duration peak power requirement and maintaining the frequency when the grid is under stress,” says Dr. Ganesh Das,首席战略,合作,创新和研发&D, Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited.

而抽水蓄能一直是全球应用最广泛的蓄能技术, its environmental and geographical limitations are already paving way for a more prominent use of new technologies like batteries and fuel cells.

Benefits to commercial and industrial consumers

Energy storage systems have already started to support businesses in reducing their dependence on fossil fuels, such as diesel, 以商业上可行的方式优化可再生能源的使用. The commercial viability for deployment by commercial and industrial consumers depends on applicable use cases, location and type of operation, and potential access to renewable power, amongst other factors.

“We recently commissioned a one megawatt-hour (MWh) battery energy storage system connected to a solar power plant in Karnataka, 这是印度商业和工业领域首批如此规模的电池项目之一. The installed system offers battery storage as a power backup during grid downtime as an alternative to a diesel generator, 帮助采煤商每年节省大约10万升柴油,” says Anil Bhat是马来西亚国家石油公司(PETRONAS Group)成员、Amplus Solar分布式发电业务首席执行官.

“For commercial and industrial consumers, energy storage deployment is likely to make commercial sense if their daily diesel generation set usage is more than 20 minutes per day and electricity tariffs are upwards of INR 8 per kilowatt-hour (kWh). It will also be relevant for those with potential of installing surplus solar power and having operations in states like Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, 哪些地方不允许商业和工业用户使用净计量,” according to Anil Bhat.

The increasing limitations being introduced in various states regarding banking of surplus renewable power on the grid for later use and withdrawal of net metering incentives (i.e., being able to sell additional renewable power produced by the consumer back to the utility) are acting as catalyzers for further growth in the energy storage market.


在其关于“最佳发电能力组合”的报告中, 是印度联合电力部的主要咨询机构, Central Electricity Authority has rightly acknowledged that energy storage systems will play a key supporting role in meeting India’s energy needs by 2030. While more than seven gigawatt-hours (GWh) of large-scale government tenders have already been issued to install battery energy storage systems (standalone or as part of hybrid renewable energy projects), 商业和工业消费者在采用能源存储方面面临许多挑战.

“Aditya Birla集团致力于到2050年实现净零碳排放. Given our energy use profiles, 可再生能源与存储在我们的脱碳路线图中具有明确的作用. While various forecasts related to lithium-ion battery storage cost indicate a reduction of more than 60% by 2030, 目前的价格限制了电池储能作为商业上可行的替代方案的应用. 回收废旧电池的挑战也会影响我们的决定。 Deeksha Vats, Aditya Birla集团首席正规博彩十大网站排名官.

“Godrej Group targets to be carbon neutral in its operations by 2030 and commits to reduce its absolute emissions in line with the 1.5-degree scenario. 可再生能源和能源效率一直是我们脱碳战略的两大支柱, 存储正在成为第三个,也许是最重要的支柱. The single biggest challenge to the large-scale adoption of energy storage technologies is the economics of the solution. Other challenges include the choice of storage technology and its reliability and maintenance costs in the long term” says Ramnath Vaidyanthan, Head, 高瑞杰工业有限公司及相关公司的环境正规博彩十大网站排名.


The grid-scale deployment of energy storage systems is a lot more dependent on the existence of a suitable policy and regulatory framework, 与商业和工业用户部署的情况相比.

为了促进印度的储能部署,需要两种政策和监管变革. 第一类是确保可再生能源电网的可靠性和安全性所需的规则, 哪些将自动支持储能部署. These include levying higher time-of-day tariffs for commercial and industrial consumers and developing an active ancillary services market. At present, 印度的高峰电价比非高峰电价高15-20%, while in other markets including the US, Australia and the UK, this difference can be as high as 200-400%. 辅助服务市场也应进一步开放,鼓励快速响应的服务.

第二种则更直接针对储能部署本身. The production-linked incentive scheme launched in 2021for manufacturing of advanced chemistry cells for batteries has been a great initiative.

“与2030年可再生能源目标一致的国家储能目标, further broken down into annual state-wise energy storage targets is critical to enable various stakeholders to optimize costs, develop innovative solutions and create demand. Moreover, 具体豁免包括取消进口关税,直到当地有优质电池供应, levy of open access charges, intrastate transmission and wheeling charges for consumers using renewable power to charge storage assets would help accelerate deployment,”opines 富朗仕亚太区增长副总裁Achal Sondhi.

Way forward

Among commercial and industrial consumers, there seems to be lack of awareness about the suitability of energy storage systems for their operations, predominantly due to the absence of tools to capture electricity consumption data at the frequency and duration required. For instance, 印度的许多大型企业仍然缺乏显示其15分钟电力负荷概况的数据, 对于部署储能的商业案例的商业评估,哪一点是至关重要的.

The 2020s is the decade of action, and technologies like energy storage are going to play a critical role in supporting us to win the race against the climate crisis. 没有时间采取观望态度. While the government is setting the stage for grid-scale deployment by working on an appropriate policy and regulatory framework, businesses should get moving. This could be done by first ensuring access to and analysis of the informative data like 15-minutes load pattern, solar power generation profile, 潜在的多余的太阳能和使用柴油在日常基础上的备用电源, and then identifying suitable business operations for deployment to reap the commercial benefits of energy storage adoption.

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