Interview with 罗德里戈•卡斯特罗: Solidaridad网络 Country Director in Brazil

发表: 2024年3月28日
作者: 罗德里戈•卡斯特罗
类型: 洞察力

“通过我们的倡议, we're not just conceptualizing ideas; we're implementing real-world solutions on the ground” 

In this interview, 罗德里戈•卡斯特罗, Brazil Country Director at Solidaridad网络, 深入研究了托坎廷斯可持续农业和牧场恢复的复杂性和潜力. 他强调了参与软商品论坛(SCF)等平台的关键作用。, whose goal is to eliminate soy-driven deforestation from high-risk landscapes.  In this article, Rodrigo also highlights the SCF’s 农民优先集群(FFC)倡议 as a transformative approach to scaling integrated farming systems in the region.  

Q: Can you provide an overview of Solidaridad’s mission and its specific goals in Brazil, 特别是在可持续农业和无毁林和无转化生产方面, 以及SCF在实现这些目标方面的作用?  

在巴西, 过去15年来,我们一直在实施战略,特别侧重于促进农民的社会经济包容和促进与自然平衡的农业生产. 我们向农民提供技术援助,支持他们采用和过渡到DCF和低碳农业系统.   

SCF是与私营部门和投资者一起推进Solidaridad议程的战略合作伙伴和催化剂. By investing in the transition to more sustainable and responsible food production, the SCF can have a catalytic effect in terms of influence, by shaping and driving the agenda toward DCF and sustainable production and 投资.   


Q: What role do you see or would like to see in the 农民优先集群(FFC)倡议?   

We're aiming for the Farmer First Clusters to promote integrated production systems (ICLF [0]. The idea is to show farmers that by doing this, they can boost their profitability while managing their soil health and land more efficiently. 在托坎廷斯河, 我们在哪里支持FFC生产商,并建立了综合生产系统示范区, 目标是帮助农民看到恢复退化或生产力低下的牧场的机会[1].  

在巴西, we have 11 to 12 million hectares of degraded land, mostly pastureland in MATOPIBA [2], that is currently underproductive or abandoned. Imagine so many hectares being brought back into agricultural production! 当然,这并不容易. 这需要技术, 投资, 以及技术援助, not to mention building trust with the farmers.    

在我们对这些地块的实地考察中, 我们与农民坐下来,公开讨论成本和收益——从他们在肥料等方面的支出到所需的前期投资. 通过这样做, 我们帮助农民把握真正的挑战, 成本, and benefits of transitioning to integrated systems and expanding soy over degraded land. 通过这些示范情节, we share with farmers the knowledge they need to make smart choices for their farms.   


问:你强调了生产商在向DCF和可持续生产过渡时面临的主要挑战之一是前期成本. Who should pay for this in those first transition years? [3]  

这是我们一直在努力解决的问题, 因为我们正在推进农民优先集群和战略景观方法等举措. 应对气候变化需要超越个人行动的系统性变革,需要集体努力和投资. It's not just about throwing money at the problem; it's about strategically investing in solutions and sharing the responsibility across multiple stakeholder groups.   

以巴西通过公共信贷额度资助的低碳农业项目为例. 我们如何利用这些资源并引入投资者,以减轻农民向可持续做法过渡时的财政负担?   

It's about setting up a framework where everyone contributes in their own capacity, 无论是通过财政支持, technical assistance or creating conducive policy environments. 这种共同承担责任的方法促进了合作,创造了一个双赢的局面,整个价值链上的参与者都为结果投资.   


Q: What insights would you share, for SCF members to better understand farmers’ perspectives?   

It's not just about dictating methods to farmers; rather, it's about focusing on sustainable production objectives. With a pre-competitive forum like the SCF, your commitment goes beyond individual interests. 今天的问题是,我们仍然有一个商业议程,与气候和正规博彩十大网站排名议程分开运作. 公司需要将其商业和投资模式与环境和气候指标结合起来,使其成为商业战略的一部分. It's not enough to simply ensure traceability and chain of custody; we need to think bigger and envision a future where the business community thrives in harmony with the planet.   


Q: What would you say to Cerrado soy producers on what they are to gain by joining your programs?   

通过我们的倡议, we're not just conceptualizing ideas; we're implementing real-world solutions in the field. 我们的方法的基石在于部署示范地块,作为从退化的牧场向生产性农业区转变的实际展示. Over a planned timeline spanning three to four years, 我们详细介绍了恢复这些土地生产力的进程,并正规博彩十大网站了所需的相关费用和技术援助 [4].  

These demonstration plots provide a clear picture of the 投资 needed, the efforts involved and the anticipated returns. 到第四年, 农民们亲眼目睹了他们的劳动成果,因为这些曾经退化的地区被恢复为粮食生产. 通过这些实时飞行员, we offer insights into the additional income generated from previously underutilized land. While it's undeniable that there are upfront 成本, 特别是在最初阶段, 我们的示范地块强调了可持续农业实践的长期经济效益.   

然而,, it's crucial to recognize that achieving this vision requires a conducive 投资 environment. 虽然好处是显而易见的, 要确保生产者和其他利益相关者广泛采用,就必须共同努力,解决金融生态系统中存在的差距. 大规模向可持续农业过渡需要多方利益攸关方的积极参与和支持, 包括政府, 金融机构, 非政府组织, 私营部门的参与者. 在一起, 我们可以创造一种环境,使生产者能够接受可持续做法,并推动整个农业景观的积极变化. 


[0] Integrated production systems combine crop production, 牲畜饲养, and forestry activities on the same land to optimize efficiency, 提高生产效率, 多样化的收入, 促进生态恢复力. (Integrated Crop-Livestock-Forestry Systems - Portal Embrapa
[1] 恢复退化土地是缓解气候变化和保护生物多样性的国际优先事项. (塞拉多恢复的空间规划:平衡保护与农业之间的权衡- sch - 2022 -应用生态学报-威利在线图书馆)  
[2] MATOPIBA refers to a region composed of the states of Maranhão, 托坎廷斯河, Piaui, 和巴伊亚, which has seen significant agricultural development in recent decades, 尤其是像大豆这样的作物, 玉米, 和棉花. 然而, agricultural growth has also brought environmental challenges, such as deforestation and conversion of native vegetation.(关于主题-门户Embrapa
[3] 早期的研究表明,一个农场可能需要3-5年的时间才能从过去的做法中恢复过来,并获得更高的利润(让你的农场有弹性和更有利可图的再生农业-中心的再生农业和弹性系统-奇科州(csuchico).edu)
[4] 示范地块在可持续农业转型倡议中发挥着关键作用,例如FFC (示范农场 & their role in sustainable farming projects - Farm Demo Conference - IFOAM Organics Europe
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